Methodology and Publications

Evaluation and Rating of Sport Talent

 Initially linked to ESI research group, MERIT has developed its own procedures to evaluate the popularity and social value that individuals and teams draw from the general public.

The basic guidelines of MERIT methodology consist of estimating the social value by means of two complementary elements: the popularity and the media value. Even if both notions are difficult to seize, we propose an innovative way to obtain accurate appraisals of them.

To measure the popularity of individuals or institutions, we analyse the share of interest they draw from the general public around the world, as shown by the traffic in the Internet after having used selective filters to avoid spurious results. (The internet traffic is captured by the presence in personal web pages and blogs as well as in specialized sites, official sport institutions, commercial firms, etc.).

Instead, to obtain a measure of media value, we look at the number of references in the media (news or printed articles) of each individual at any point in time. Hence, the media value index reflects the mass media exposure of individuals or teams, as a result of their professional performance or due to their social status and other personal characteristics.

The strength of MERIT methodology derives from its capacity to deliver homogeneous indicators of the social value, in all kinds of sport competitions, as well as in other entertainment industries. This feature permits carrying out accurate comparisons between individuals and over time. Based on the individual appraisal of media value, we are also able to derive the media value of teams, institutions and other related measures.

Evaluación y Calificación del Talento Deportivo

 La metodología MERIT, inicialmente vinculada al grupo de investigación ESI,  ha desarrollado sus propios procedimientos de medición del valor social y la popularidad que jugadores y equipos conquistan en el público general.

 Este proyecto nació en el ámbito académico y su vinculación con la universidad es un elemento diferencial. Sus aplicaciones prácticas, sin perder el rigor metodológico de la vinculación universitaria, proporcionan una herramienta para la toma eficiente de decisiones. Además de mediciones y rankings, nuestras bases de datos permiten elaborar estudios sobre diversos problemas económicos y de negocio: estimación del precio justo de jugadores, cálculo del valor de equipos y ligas, valoración de alianzas estratégicas entre marcas, imagen y perfil de individuos y clubes (mediante la elaboración de la radiografía mediática de individuos, instituciones, marcas), etc.

 Se trata de una metodología madura, que ha sido validada con estudios académicos, y que aspira a poner al servicio de la industria del deporte y del espectáculo los resultados que más interesen a los intereses de los agentes involucrados en los diferentes ámbitos de negocio. Este enfoque, ha permitido examinar la evolución mediática de individuos y equipos en disciplinas diversas: deportes individuales (como tenis, golf, fórmula 1); deportes de equipo (fútbol, ciclismo, baloncesto, béisbol); eventos deportivos (FIBA WFIFA World cup, Juegos Olímpicos; Super Bowl), etc.

Academic Publications using the MERIT approach


2021 Garcia-del-Barrio, P. and Agnese, P.: Does Compliance with Financial Fair Play Rules Improve the Football Clubs' Sport Performance and Their Chances to Reach UEFA Competitions? IZA Discussion Papers

2021 Garcia-del-Barrio, P. and Pujol, F.: Recruiting talent in a global sports market: Appraisals of soccer players’ transfer fees. Managerial Finance 47 (6), 789-811. doi:10.1108/MF-04-2020-0213

2021 Aguiar-Noury, A. and Garcia-del-Barrio, P.: Global hierarchy of team-sport leagues based on Internet searches and revenues: Europe versus America, European Journal of International Management 15 (2/3): 283-313.

2020 Garcia-del-Barrio, P. and Rossi, G.: How the UEFA Financial Fair Play regulations affect to football clubs’ priorities and competitive balance? European Journal of Government and Economics 9 (2), 119-142

2020 Garcia-del-Barrio, P.; Gomez-Gonzalez, C.; and Sánchez-Santos, J. M.: Popularity and Visibility Appraisals for Computing Olympic Medal Rankings. Social Science Quarterly 101 (5): . doi:10.1111/ssqu.12835

2020 Garcia-del-Barrio, P., Becerra, N. and Schröder, J.: Rivalries in sports competitions and in the global media showcase, Journal of Sports Economics & Management 9 (3): 185–201. 

2019 Garcia-del-Barrio, P. and Tena-Horrillo, J.D.: Investment in Talent and Visibility in the Media: A Study of Professional Football in Europe, Sports (and) Economics (Ed. by Jaume García), 271-294. FUNCAS Social and Economic Studies, 7. Madrid, Spain.

2019 Aguiar, A. and Garcia-del-Barrio, P.: Global Brands in Soccer: Identifying low-risk projects and business opportunities, Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy 8 (1): 62–83. 

2019 Garcia-del-Barrio, P. and Tena-Horrillo, J.D.: Inversión en Talento y Visibilidad Mediática: Un Estudio del Fútbol Profesional en Europa. En: Papeles de Economía Española, 159: 165-179. (Monográfico: «Deporte y Economía» editado por Jaume García). ISSN: 0210-9107.

2018 Garcia-del-Barrio, P.: Media Value in Global Sports: Football versus Formula One, International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing 18 (3): 241–266.

2015  Garcia-del-Barrio, P. and Pujol, F.: Sport Talent, Media Value and Equal Prize Policies in Tennis. In: The Economics of Competitive Sports (Ed.: Rodríguez, P.; Késenne, S. and Koning, R.): 110-151. Edward Elgar (ISBN: 978-1-78347-475-2).

2014  Garcia-del-Barrio, P. and Reguart, J.: "Revalorización Mediática y Económica de los Futbolistas Profesionales en el Mundial 2010". (Libro de actas del CIED5: V Congreso Iberoamericano de Economía del Deporte: El Deporte: Dinamizador Económico). Zaragoza, 12-13 of July 2014, pp: 199-204.

2009  Garcia-del-Barrio, P. and Pujol, F.: The rationality of under-employing the best performing soccer players, Labour: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations 23 (3): 397-419.

2007  Garcia-del-Barrio, P., and Pujol, F.: Media value of the Basketball World Cup 2006, (17 October 2007) Intangible Capital [Online] 3 (4):129-56.

Available at:

2007  Garcia-del-Barrio, P. and Pujol, F.: Hidden monopsony rents in winner-take-all markets, Managerial and Decision Economics 28: 57-70.

2005  Garcia-del-Barrio, P. and Pujol, F.: ¿Está la popularidad de los deportistas incluida en la valoración de mercado?, Revista Econòmica de Catalunya (Monográfico: L'Economia de l'Esport: negoci espectacle i competició) 51: 56-69.

Presentation of Papers in Conferences in the field of Media Value and Sports

2019    Two papers presented at XI ESEA European Conference on Sport Economics. Dates: 27-29 August 2019. Gijón (Spain). Titles: (i) “Do institutional changes alter the objectives of football clubs?”; (ii) “Does certainty on the winner ruin the interest on sport competitions?

2019     Paper presented at the XXII Applied Economics Meeting: “Methodology to develop improved Olympic medals rankings”. Dates: 6-7 June 2019. Cartagena (Spain).

2019     Three papers presented at the X Congreso Iberoamericano de Economía del Deporte (CIED10). Dates: 13-14 June 2019. Barcelona (Spain). Titles: (i) “Does certainty on the winner ruin the attractiveness of sport competitions?”; (ii) “Rivalries in sports competitions and in the global media showcase”; (iii) Do institutional reforms alter the objectives of soccer clubs? 

2018     Paper presented at the XVII European Economics and Finance Society Annual Conference: “Winners in the field versus winners in the media. Club owners’ behaviour at hiring football players”. Dates: 21-24 June 2018. City University of London (UK).

2018     Paper presented at the XXI Applied Economics Meeting: “Winners in the field versus winners in the media. Club owners’ behaviour at hiring football players”. Dates: 7-8 June 2018. Alcalá de Henares (Spain).

2018     Paper presented at the XIII Gijón Conference on Sports Economics: Outcome uncertainty, competitive balance, leagues and fans. “Does certainty on the winner ruin the attractiveness of sport competitions?” Dates: 4-5 May 2018. Gijón (Spain).

2017     Two papers presented at the 9th ESEA European Conference on Sport Economics. Dates: 30th August - 1st September 2017. Paderborn (Germany). Titles: (i) “Winners in the field versus winners in the media: Do football club owners maximize wins, revenues or visibility?”; (ii) “Sport rivalries in soccer and hierarchy of domestic leagues”.

2017     Paper presented at the XII Jornadas de Economía Laboral. Asociación Española de Economía del Trabajo (AEET). Dates: 5-7 July 2017. Valladolid (Spain). Title: “Winners in the field versus winners in the media. Club owners behaviour at hiring football players”.

2017     Paper presented at the 17th EURAM Conference. SIG 'Managing Sport'. Dates: 21-24 June 2017. Glasgow (UK). Title: “Media value and sport rivalries in European Soccer: Comparative status of clubs across the domestic and UEFA leagues”.

2017     Paper presented at XII Gijón Conference on Sports Economics: Sports and Consumer Behaviour. “Consumers preferences & sport rivalries in European soccer: Hierarchy of teams and leagues based on soccer fans support.” Dates: 5-6 May 2017. Gijón (Spain).

2016     Paper presented at the XIX Encuentro de Economía Aplicada. Dates: 9-10 June of 2016. Sevilla (Spain). Broadcasting revenues and media value in European football”.

2016     Paper presented at the VII Congreso Iberoamericano de Economía del Deporte. Dates: 2-3 June of 2016. Sevilla (Spain). Valor mediatico en el Fútbol Mundial. Temporada 2014/2015”.

2016     Paper presented at XI Gijón Conference on Sports Economics: Sports and Media. “Do club owners maximise wins, revenues or visibility?” 6-7 May 2016, Gijón (Spain).

2016     Paper presented at XI Gijón Conference on Sports Economics: Sports and Media. "Broadcasting Revenues and Media Value in European Football” 6-7 May 2016, Gijón (Spain).

2015   Paper presented at the 7th ESEA Conference on Sports Economics (European Sport Economic Association). 27-28 August 2015. University of Zurich (Switzerland).

Title: “Economic evaluation of Football players through media value”.

2015   Paper presented at the XI Jornadas de Economía Laboral. Organised by: Asociación Española de Economía del Trabajo (AEET). Dates: 2-3 July 2015. Barcelona (Spain).

Title: “Evaluating Intangible Talent: Media Value and Productivity in European Football”.

2015   Paper presented at the X GIJON Conference on Sports Economics: “Behavioral Sports Economics”. Dates: 8-9 of May 2015. Gijón (Spain).

Title: “Media Value in Global Sport Industries: Football versus Formula One”.

2014   Two papers presented at CIED5 V Congreso Iberoamericano de Economía del Deporte. El Deporte: Dinamizador Económico. 12-13 July 2014. Zaragoza (Spain).

Title: “Estimación del Precio de Traspaso de Futbolistas a partir del Valor Mediático”.

Title: “Revalorización Mediática y Económica de los Futbolistas en el Mundial 2010”.

2012   Paper presented at the VII GIJON Conference on Sports Economics. Dates: 4-5 of May 2012. Gijón (Spain).

Title: “Globalization, Broadcasting Revenues and Media Value in European Football”.

2011   Paper presented at the XIV Encuentro de Economía Aplicada. June 2011. Islantilla, Huelva (Spain).

Title: Prize Money and media value in tennis: who leads the spectacle?”

2011   Guest speaker: I Summer Course on Sports Economics. 13-15 July 2011. Universidad de La Coruña.

Title: “El valor mediático de la industria del deporte professional”.

2010   Invited speaker at the International Seminar: Estrategias actuales para una gestión jurídica y económica eficaz en el deporte profesional. Organisers: Facultad CC Jurídicas y Sociales, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos; CIES - FIFA. April 26th 2010, Madrid.

Title: “Estrategias para revalorizar y rentabilizar la imagen del deportista.”

2009   Paper presented at 17th EASM Conference (of the European Association for Sport Management). 16-19 September 2009. Amsterdam (The Netherlands).

Title: “Global Brands in football”.

2009   Papers presented at the VII Jornadas de Economía Laboral. Organiza: Asociación Española de Economía del Trabajo. 2-3 July 2009. Zaragoza (Spain).

Title: “Money prizes and media value of tennis players: who leads the spectacle?”

2008   Paper presented at the 10th IASE Annual Conference (International Association of Sports Economists). 9-10 May 2008. Gijón (Spain).

Title: “Money prizes and media value in tennis: who leads the spectacle?”

2007   Paper presented at the 19th Annual EALE Conference (European Association of Labour Economists). 20-22 September 2007. Oslo (Norway).  

Title: “The rationality of underemploying the best performing soccer players”.

2007   Paper presented at the VII Jornadas de Economía Laboral. Organiza: Asociación española de Economía Laboral. July 2007. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain).   

Title: “The rationality of underemploying the best performing soccer players”.

2005   Two papers presented at the 59th IAES Conference (International Atlantic Economic Society). March 2005. London (UK).

Title: “Productivity and career opportunities of Spanish soccer players: Manager's decision and probability of playing”.

2004   Two papers presented at the XXIX Simposio de Análisis Económico. December 2004. Pamplona (Spain).

Title: “The Labour Market of professional Spanish soccer players. Manager's decision and probability of playing”

Title: “Pay and Performance in the Spanish Soccer League: who gets the expected monopsony rents?”

2004   Two papers presented at the VII Encuentro de Economía Aplicada. June 2004. Vigo (Spain).

Title: “Pay and Performance in the Spanish Soccer League: who gets the expected monopsony rents?”

Title: “The labour Market of professional soccer players”.

2004   Two papers presented at the 57th IAES Conference (International Atlantic Economic Society). March 2004. Lisbon (Portugal).

Title: “The Spanish Labour Market of professional soccer players”.

Title: “Pay and Performance in the Spanish Soccer League”.

2002   Paper presented at the XXVII Simposio de Análisis Económico. December 2002. Salamanca (Spain).

Title: The Labour Market of professional Spanish soccer players. Manager's decision and probability of playing”.

Professional Reports on Media Value - Available on-line


2020 Garcia-del-Barrio, P. y Schröder, J.: “Informe MERIT del Valor Mediático en el Fútbol Profesional (Temporada 2019-20). Forthcoming.

2020 Garcia-del-Barrio, P. and Schröder, J.: “MERIT Report on Media Value in Football (Season 2019-20)”. Forthcoming.

2019 Garcia-del-Barrio, P., Schröder, J. y Becerra, N.: “Informe MERIT del Valor Mediático en el Fútbol Profesional (Temporada 2018-19)”.

2019 Garcia-del-Barrio, P., Schröder, J. and Becerra, N.: “MERIT Report on Media Value in Football (Season 2018-19)”.

2018 Garcia-del-Barrio, P., and Becerra, N.: “Informe MERIT del Valor Mediático en el Fútbol Profesional (Temporada 2017-18)” con la colaboración de: Arnau Raventós y Jef Schröder.

2018 Garcia-del-Barrio, P., and Becerra, N.: “MERIT Report on Media Value in Football (Season 2017-18)” with the colaboration of: Arnau Raventós and Jef Schröder.

2017 Garcia-del-Barrio, P., Becerra, N., and Raventós, A.: “Informe MERIT del Valor Mediático en el Fútbol Profesional (Temporada 2016-17)”.

2017 Garcia-del-Barrio, P., Becerra, N., and Raventós, A.: “MERIT Report on Media Value in Football (Season 2016-17)”.

2016 Garcia-del-Barrio, P., Becerra, N., López de Foronda, A. and Raventós, A.: “Informe MERIT del Valor Mediático en el Fútbol Profesional (Temporada 2015-16)”.

2016 Garcia-del-Barrio, P., Becerra, N., López de Foronda, A. and Raventós, A.: “MERIT Report on Media Value in Football (Season 2015-16)”.

2015 Garcia-del-Barrio, P. and Montoro, B. and López de Foronda, A.: “MERIT report on Media Value in Football (Season 2014-15)”.

2015 Garcia-del-Barrio, P. and Montoro, B. and López de Foronda, A.: “Informe MERIT del Valor Mediático en el Fútbol Profesional (Temporada 2014-15)”.

2015  Garcia-del-Barrio, P., Espina, J.M. López de Foronda, A.:“Informe MERIT del Valor Mediático en la Fórmula 1 (Temporada 2015)”. Forthcoming.

2015  Garcia-del-Barrio, P. and Montoro, B. and López de Foronda, A.: “MERIT report on Media Value in Football (Season 2014-15)”.

2015  Garcia-del-Barrio, P. and Montoro, B. and López de Foronda, A.: “Informe MERIT del Valor Mediático en el Fútbol Profesional (Temporada 2014-15)”.

2014  Garcia-del-Barrio, P. Montoro, B., and Espina, J.M.: “Informe MERIT del Valor Mediático en la Fórmula 1 (Temporada 2014)”. Forthcoming.

2014  Garcia-del-Barrio, P., Montoro, B., and Reguart, J.: “Informe MERIT del Valor Mediático en el Fútbol Profesional (Temporada 2013-14)”

2013  Garcia-del-Barrio, P. and Reguart, J.: “Informe MERIT del Valor Mediático en la Fórmula 1 (Temporada 2013)”

2013  Garcia-del-Barrio, P. and Reguart, J.: “Informe MERIT del Valor Mediático en el Fútbol Profesional (Temporada 2012-13)”

2012  Garcia-del-Barrio, P. and Reguart, J.: “Informe MERIT del Valor Mediático en la Fórmula 1 (Temporada 2012)”

2012  Garcia-del-Barrio, P., Reguart, J. and Solé, A.: “Informe MERIT del Valor Mediático en el Fútbol Profesional (Temporada 2011-12). Tasación mediática y económica de jugadores internacionales y selecciones”

2010  Pujol, F. and Garcia-del-Barrio, P. “Informe sobre el valor mediático del fútbol, 2009/10 (Junio 2010)”, ESIrg Universidad de Navarra.

2010  Garcia-del-Barrio, P and Pujol, F. “ESI Report of Media Value in Formula 1. Season 2009”, ESI Universidad de Navarra. March 2010.

2010  Garcia-del-Barrio, P and Pujol, F. “Informe del valor mediático de la Fórmula 1. Temporada 2009”, ESI Universidad de Navarra. Marzo 2010.

2009  Pujol, F. and Garcia-del-Barrio, P. “Informe sobre el valor mediático del fútbol, 2008/09 (Junio 2009)”, ESIrg Universidad de Navarra.

2009  Pujol, F. and Garcia-del-Barrio, P. “ESI-rg Biannual Report on Media Value in Football. February 2009”, ESIrg Universidad de Navarra.

2009  Pujol, F. and Garcia-del-Barrio, P. "Informe intermedio del valor mediático del fútbol. Febrero 2009", ESIrg University of Navarra.

2008  Pujol, F. and Garcia-del-Barrio, P. "Report on media value in football. June 2008", ESIrg University of Navarra.

2008  Pujol, F. and Garcia-del-Barrio, P. "Informe sobre el valor mediático del fútbol, 2007/08. Junio 2008", ESIrg University of Navarra.

2008  Pujol, F. and Garcia-del-Barrio, P. (with the collaboration of J. Elizalde), “ESI-rg Report on Media Value in Football”. February 2008, ESIrg Universidad de Navarra.

2008  Pujol, F. and Garcia-del-Barrio, P. (with the colaboration of J. Elizalde), "Informe sobre el mercado de fichajes 2007". January 2008, ESIrg Universidad de Navarra.

2007  Garcia-del-Barrio, P. y Pujol, F. "Informe anual sobre el valor mediático del tenis, February 2007", ESI-rg Universidad de Navarra. November 2007.

2007  Pujol, F., Garcia-del-Barrio, P. "Football Media Value Report ESIrg. February 2007", ESI-rg, Universidad de Navarra.

2007  Pujol, F. and Garcia-del-Barrio, P. (con la colaboración de J. Elizalde), "Valor Mediático en la Fórmula 1: ¿cuánto vale la marca Fernando Alonso fuera de McLaren Mercedes?". August 2007, ESIrg Universidad de Navarra.

2007  Pujol, F. and Garcia-del-Barrio, P. (scientific collaborator: J. Elizalde), "Report on Media Value of professional European Football". June 2007, ESIrg Universidad de Navarra.

2007  Pujol, F. and Garcia-del-Barrio, P., "Nota Técnica sobre el valor mediático de la Fórmula 1". Mayo 2007, ESIrg Universidad de Navarra.

2007  Pujol, F. and Garcia-del-Barrio, P., "Report on Media Value of professional European Football". Edition of February 2007, ESIrg Universidad de Navarra.

2007  Pujol, F., Garcia-del-Barrio (2007), "What is the Contribution of David Beckham to Real Madrid?", Technical Note 1/07, ESI-rg, Universidad de Navarra.

2007  Pujol, F., Garcia-del-Barrio (2007), "¿Cuánto aporta David Beckham al Real Madrid?", Nota Técnica 1/07, ESI-rg, Universidad de Navarra.

2006  Pujol, F. and Garcia-del-Barrio, P., "Report on Media Value of professional European Football". Edition of September 2006, ESIrg Universidad de Navarra.

2006  Pujol, F. and Garcia-del-Barrio, P., "Informe final: El valor mediático del Mundial de baloncesto 2006", ESI-rg Universidad de Navarra.

2006  Pujol, F. and Garcia-del-Barrio, P., "Informe intermedio: El valor mediático del Mundial de baloncesto 2006", ESI-rg Universidad de Navarra.

2006  Pujol, F., Garcia-del-Barrio, P., Barajas, A., Urrutia, I. and K. Kase, "Barómetro de Fichajes: Estudio del valor mediático tras el mundial de Alemania", Center for Sport Business Management, IESE Business School, Universidad de Navarra.